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Monday, January 13, 2014


The following is a summary from my Homeschool Ancient History.

There is very little that the Bible tells us about Isaac in the stories of Abraham and Jacob. Isaac acts as a transition figure between these two patriarchs. The following are some interesting facts about Isaac that set him apart from his father Abraham and his son Jacob:
  1. Both he and his brother Ishmael received their names from God.  Unlike Abram and Jacob, Isaac kept his name.
  2. Isaac never left the promised land. He always lived in the land of Canaan. In contrast, both Abraham and Jacob lived in Haran for a period of time.
  3. Isaac had only one wife, despite 20 years of his wife's childlessness.
  4. Isaac was a tiller of the soil. He quite literally put down roots.
  5. Isaac lived longer than either Abraham or Jacob, to the ripe age of 180.

Isaac was 40 years old when he and Rebekah got married, Gen. 25:19-21. At the age of 60, he prayed to the LORD for his barren wife. The LORD heard his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant with twins. Notice, this is the second generation of patriarchs in which childlessness became a problem. In Gen. 25:22, the twins wrestled inside Rebekah's womb. When she prayed to the LORD, this is what He said to her, "Two nations are in your womb; and two peoples shall be separated from your body; and one people shall be stronger than the other; and the older shall serve the younger." Genesis 25:23. In Gen. 25:24 Rebekah gives birth to twins. The first one was full of life, with a full head of red hair and ruddy complexion. They named him Esau, meaning "hairy," Gen. 25:25; later he was called Edom, meaning "red." The second was born holding his brother's heel. They named this one Jacob, meaning "he grasps the heel, "deceiver" in a figurative way, Gen. 25:26. Unfortunately, as the twins grew up, the parents showed favoritism. Isaac favored Esau, the wild, the one who hunted and roamed outdoors. Rebekah, favored Jacob, the quiet one, the thoughtful. It is such a terrible and damaging thing for parents to show favoritism among their children. There are so many pitfalls!

Traditionally, the first born son had two advantages over the younger son; he would receive two portions of the inheritance instead of one. While each younger son would receive one. The first born was to be head of the house. He, as the first born and head of the house, would be responsible for his unmarried sisters; this is why Rebekah's brother, Laban was part of the negotiations with Abraham's servant. He, the first born, was also responsible for watching over and taking care of his younger brothers; for the care of any widows or orphans; and for the affairs of the entire household. With the double portion of the inheritance came double land. For both Jacob and Esau this meant that the one who had the birthright would be getting twice as much land and wealth as the other. I want to point out that Jacob's blessing had a unique and sacred quality; once given, it could not be repealed, even though Jacob and Rebekah had deceived Isaac in order to get the blessing.

The following is a 7 part drama about the Blessing:

  • Act One: Isaac and Esau - Isaac calls his favored son Esau into his room asking him to bring some of his favorite food for a blessing feast. Esau agrees, gathering his weapons and setting off for the wilderness. Here is where Rebekah enters the scene and overhears her husband's request.
  • Act Two: Rebekah and Jacob - Rebekah calls her favored son Jacob and suggests that he prepare his father's favorite food in place of Esau. He agrees with his mother's scheme to pass himself as Esau. He starts working on the food.
  • Act Three: Rebekah and Jacob - Jacob prepares and brings the food to Rebekah. She dresses him in Esau's clothing covering him with goatskin in order to make his skin feel hairy.
  • Act Four: Isaac and Jacob - Jacob brings his father's favorite food. Remember, his father is almost blind.  Although he is suspicious, he eats it. Isaac touches and smells Jacob and is convinced that he is Esau. He gives him his blessing: "Now may God give you of the dew of heaven, and of the fatness of earth, and an abundance of grain and new wine; many peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you; be  master of your brothers, and may your mother's son bow down to you. Cursed be those who curse you, and blessed be those who bless you." Genesis 27:28-29 NASB. Jacob then leaves triumphantly.
  • Act Five: Isaac and Esau - Later, Esau brings food to his father who in dismay realizes he has been deceived. He had given Jacob the firstborn's blessing by placing him above his brother Esau. Esau then begs his father to bless him, but his father has only this to say: "Behold, away from the fertility of the earth shall be your dwelling, and away from the dew of heaven from above. By your sword you shall live, and your brother you shall serve; but it shall come about when you become restless, that you will break his yoke from your neck." Genesis 27:39-40 NASB. Esau is enraged at his brother, threatening to kill him. Rebekah is now terrified. Remember, she is the one who commanded her son Jacob to deceive his father Isaac. Now she wants Jacob to escape by going to her brother Laban back in Haran until Esau's fury should subside. She tells Isaac that she is afraid that Jacob might take a daughter from among the Canaanite women.
  • Act Six: Isaac and Jacob - Isaac calls Jacob and blesses him and asks him to go back to Northern Mesopotamia, Padddan-aram, and take to himself a wife from the daughters of Laban. Jacob leaves with his father's blessing.
  • Act Seven: Esau - After hearing that Jacob is leaving to marry within the daughters of Laban and that his father has blessed him again, Esau knew that the daughters of Canaan displeased his father; so he went to Ishmael his uncle and asked for the hand of Mahalath his daughter (thus his first cousin), hoping this would improve his father's opinion of him.

On the way to Haran, Jacob decides to lie down to sleep using a stone as a pillow. He dreams of a ladder that was set on the earth reaching toward heaven with angels ascending and descending on it and with God above it. In the dream the LORD makes the same promises to Jacob that He made to Abraham and Isaac before Him: "I am the LORD, the God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie, I will give it to you and to your descendants. Your descendants will be also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." Genesis 28:13-15 NASB. Jacob is changed by his dream. He awakens acknowledging God for the first time in his life. He bows to the LORD promising Him he will follow Him if He will care for him. He calls this place Bethel meaning "house of God". Later, he arrives near Haran where he goes to the well asking one of the shepherds where to find Laban. They pointed out one of Laban's daughters, Rachael. He greets her with a kiss being a member of the family.

The following are similarities between Jacob and Abraham's servant:

Servant arrives in Haran with riches Jacob arrives in Haran with nothing
Servant goes straight to the well Jacob goes straight to the well
Servant is at the well in the evening Jacob is at the well at noon
Servant finds Rebekah at the well Jacob finds Rachael at the well
Servant finds out Rebekah is family Jacob finds out Rachael is family
Rebekah waters the servant's camels Jacob waters Rachael's sheep
Servant rejoices and gives bracelets Jacob rejoices and gives a kiss
Rebekah runs home to tell her mother and Laban Rachael goes home to tell Laban
Servant is invited home and negotiates for Rebekah Jacob is invited home and negotiates for Rachael
Servant pays the bride price and Laban is satisfied Jacob has no bride-price except his labor
Servant refuses to stay when invited
Jacob stays for 14 years, gaining two wives, Rachael & Leah

There was a big rivalry between Leah and Rachael within the first year of their marriage. Leah begins to bear sons, but Rachel is barren. The battle of the sons begins.... Jacob had 12 children and the last two, Joseph and Benjamin. These last two were Jacob's favorites because they were of his favorite wife Rachel. Although Rachel was his favorite wife, Jesus descended from Judah who was Leah's son. Leah bore Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Isaachar and Zebulon. Leah's servant bore Gad and Asher. Rachael bore Joseph and Benjamin.  She died in childbirth with her last son Benjamin. Rachel's servant bore Dan and Naphtali. After Jacob had served Laban for 14 years, Jacob had paid with his labor for his wives, Rachael and Leah and want to go home. Laban begs him to stay by increasing his wages. Jacob feels cheated and that Laban had been taking advantage of his labor building up Laban's flocks. Jacob wants to build a flock of his own. Laban agrees at Jacob's suggestion to give Jacob any sheep and goats which are spotted or speckled. Since most of the sheep are white and the goats are dark brown or white, Jacob asks apparently for a small number. Remember, that Jacob has become an expert breeder and has God's helping hand. Jacob makes sure that all the best sheep and goats are born spotted or speckled. Again, Laban wants to cheat and deceive him by removing all of the spotted sheep in order for Jacob to get nothing. What a covetous man this Laban is! But, Jacob outsmarts him by proving to be the better of the two schemers. His flock of spotted sheep grows larger and stronger, Genesis 30:25-43.

Finally, wanting to return to Canaan, Jacob takes his two wives, his children and all of his livestock and leaves Laban in secret. Without Jacob’s knowledge, Rachel steals her father's idols, which forces Laban to pursue them. God tells Laban in a dream not to harm Jacob. Laban catches up and begins to search for his idols and cannot find them since Rachel is sitting on them. Finally, Jacob and Laban agree to part ways in peace, Genesis 31.

Remember, Jacob is aware of how he left matters with Esau and wants to appease him. He sends a message to him telling him that he is returning to Canaan. The messengers returns, telling Jacob that Esau is approaching with 400 men. In fear Jacob divides his group into two so that Esau might not destroy all of them at once. He prepares large gifts of sheep, goats, cattle and camels for his brother, sending them ahead. Jacob lags behind the rest of his group, waiting to see the results of all his gifts to Esau. At night, Jacob has an encounter with a strange man and wrestles with him until morning. As dawn breaks and the stranger realizes he is not going to overpower him.  The stranger turns out to be an angel who then dislocates the socket of Jacob's thigh with a touch while wrestling with him. Jacob still refuses to let him go unless he blesses him. The angel asks Jacob's name, then tells him that he will no longer be called Jacob but rather Israel which means "He struggles with God." Then Jacob asks him to tell him his name, but the angel replies, "Why is it that you ask my name?" Jacob realizes that he had wrestled with God. Jacob named that place Peniel, for he said "I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved." Genesis 32:22-32.  Jacob meets Esau and he is no longer bitter toward Jacob. Twenty years have passed!

One of the things that has impressed me about this history, is that when God broke Jacob, He fashioned him back into a GREAT man. Sometimes that is what God has to do to us!


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