Lucia's Blog: WAIT FOR THE LORD!
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Friday, January 12, 2018


"The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom should I fear?  
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
of whom should I be afraid?  
2 When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, 
my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell.  
3 Though an army deploys against me, 
my heart is not afraid; 
though a war breaks out against me, 
still I am confident.  
4 I have asked one thing from the LORD; 
it is what I desire:  
to dwell in the house of the LORD 
all the days of my life, 
gazing on the beauty of the LORD 
and seeking Him in His temple.  
5 For He will conceal me in His shelter 
in the day of adversity; 
He will hide me under the cover of His tent; 
He will set me high on a rock.  
6 Then my head will be high 
above my enemies around me; 
I will offer sacrifices in His tent with shouts of joy.  
I will sing and make music to the LORD.  
7 LORD, hear my voice when I call; 
be gracious to me and answer me.  
8 My heart says this about You, 
'You are to seek My face.' 
LORD, I will seek Your face.  
9 Do not hide Your face from me; 
do not turn Your servant away in anger.  
You have been my helper; 
do not leave me or abandon me, 
God of my salvation.  
10 Even if my father and mother abandon me, 
the LORD cares for me.  
11 Because of my adversaries, 
show me Your way, LORD, 
and lead me on a level path.  
12 Do not give me over to the will of my foes, 
for false witnesses rise up against me, 
breathing violence.  
13 I am certain that I will see the LORD’s goodness 
in the land of the living.  
14 Wait for the LORD; 
be strong and courageous.  
Wait for the LORD!"'    
Psalm 27

All Scripture inspired by God is profitable. Many of us deny ourselves the great help God has placed in the sacred Psalms. A great example is the 27th Psalm. Jesus and the apostles of the New Testament cry out to us that we must believe in the LORD. They give us much detail, but the 27th Psalm dramatically shows us some of what is involved in waiting for the LORD. Let us give careful thought to David’s beautiful song of real faith in our Almighty God.

I love the Psalms so much because they are rooted in God's Word to strengthen and help me remain steadfast when life's storms and difficulties want to blow my faith away.  It is then that I look to the Psalms for help.  They help me to plant my feet firmly in God's Truth.  Indeed, they transform my heart and mind as I read and study God's riches found in them.  They instruct, comfort, encourage and guide me when I need it the most.  It is my life's manual that I have to put into practice daily.  In the Psalms, I find Jesus our Lord. The truths of God found in the Psalms help me find freedom, peace, confidence, assurance, and joy.  I build my faith up through the Psalms as I worship Him deeply and intimately.  They teach me to seek God with all my heart that I may pour out my heart to Him and tell Him everything.  They help me to worship Him for who He is and not what He is doing for me.  They help me to accept my trials as victories.  They also help me to examine my heart, that I might repent and receive God's gracious forgiveness.  In a few words, they help me in my pilgrim journey here on earth as they deepen my faith and commit me to obedience and discipline toward God and His Son.

The Psalms show me the beauty of walking intimately with my God when I meditate on them.  They strengthen my prayers as they help me express what I want to say to my God in the right words that, at times, I struggle with.  How wonderful it is to have such communion with our God through our prayers!  They also help me to acknowledge that my ways are not God's way and that I must wait on Him when life is difficult.  They teach me to hold on to God alone even when it seems as if He is not holding on to me.  They help me to trust in God as I plead with Him for deliverance.  They remind me that my walk with God is based upon trust, faith, and not sight.  They help me to praise Him in all situations, for He is trustworthy and faithful.  They help me to see His presence and glory all around us as I read and study them.  They help me to accept the only Truth, which is that I must fear God and keep His commands, for He will bring every act to judgment (Eccl. 12:13-14).  Since the Psalms help me to see God for who He is, I am resolved to trust in Him, obey Him, be faithful to Him, pray to Him so that I can commune with Him all the days of my life.

Psalm 27 is very dear to my heart because it deepens my faith and trust in God as it helps me face my fears.  This Psalm was written by David himself concerning his life, circumstances, and confidence or trust in His LORD. It was written during David's low and difficult times when he fled from his enemies. Through this Psalm, I learn that the antidote for fear is our God. David chooses to trust in God as he waits for Him with confidence.  This Psalm begins and ends with faith in God and David's determination to wait in faith for the LORD.  Notice that David is uttering a prayer to God to remind Him of his circumstancesPsalm 27 reminds me that our LORD is our Light, our salvation, the stronghold of our life, our Deliverer, and our guidance when we draw near Him and walk with Him faithfully.  We can rest assured with complete confidence that He will be there for us in our time of need.


David expresses his confidence in his LORD in verses 1-6.
"The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom should I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom should I be afraid?  2 When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell.  3 Though an army deploys against me, my heart is not afraid; though a war breaks out against me, still I am confident.  4 I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire:  to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple.  5 For He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock.  6 Then my head will be high above my enemies around me; I will offer sacrifices in His tent with shouts of joy.  I will sing and make music to the LORD."
  •  The LORD Is My Light:
In this Psalm, David describes how God impacts our lives not only spiritually but also as a physical defense against our enemies (verse 1).  David recognizes that, in the end, our God will help us win over our fears.  He begins this beautiful Psalm with an amazing picture of encouragement.  He says, "The LORD is my light and my salvation."  David recognizes that God is his "light" (understanding) as well as his "salvation" (deliverance).  In the Old and New Testaments, the word "light" has a significant meaning since it refers to God as "light."  In Genesis 1:3, God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day."'   You see,  light was the first element of the creation that God spoke into existence.  God Himself is called the Light (Ps. 4:6; Is. 10:17; Mic. 7:8, 1 Jn. 1:5).  Jesus declared that He is the LightGod removes the darkness of ignorance and sin through His Light.  We are commanded to walk in the Light just as He is in the Light.  Moreover, light means walking with God and having His favor.

In Lamentations 3:1-3, we see an illustration of this: “I am the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath. He has driven me away and made me walk in darkness rather than light; indeed, he has turned his hand against me again and again, all day long.”  You see, God's people lost that fellowship with Him and thus were destroyed because they were walking in darkness.  Micah 7:8-9 describes for us the same sentiment:  “Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. Because I have sinned against Him, I will bear the Lord’s wrath, until he pleads my case and establishes my right. He will bring me out into the light; I will see His righteousness.”  You see, the prophet Micah declared that because the nation of Israel had sinned, they would have to bear the LORD'S wrath upon them. As He said, they were “sitting in darkness” and “bearing the LOD'S wrath.” However, God showed mercy and brought them "out into the light."

In Psalm 27:1-6, David described his relationship with his God as he communed and walked with Him.  That is why he was confident that he had nothing to fear.  Isn't it beautiful to have such confidence in our God no matter what may come our way!

  • The LORD Is My Salvation:
Besides God being David's "light," He was also his "salvation." David remembers that the LORD has been, is, and will be his only "defense" or "stronghold." God was David's source of deliverance from all of the severe and violent circumstances he found himself in.  He could say with confidence, "The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom should I be afraid? When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh, my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell."  (Verse 2). God brought hope and encouragement to David as He replaced the gloom of his doubts with His glorious presence.  David had no reason to tremble in fear since he knew that the Almighty God was his salvation.  He knew well that God would fight his battles, defending him against his enemies and sustaining him during his most troublesome and perilous times.  David was confident that God was his light, his salvation, and his deliverance since He has the power to deliver us from our enemies, our sins, and the power of Satan.  No matter what we go through, our God can help us through them.

In verses 2-3, we can see David dealing with his enemies fighting violently against him.  In verse 2, David goes back to remember his walk with God.  His life had not been free of toil and difficulties, for his enemies would come to him to devour him like the wild beasts, who pounce on their prey to rip it up and consume it.  However, his enemies failed because God was with him as His Savior.  His victories came from God and not from any military forces.  The LORD was faithful to him as He dealt with his foes, his enemies.  He caused them to stumble and fail I am amazed beyond words!  I must remind myself of this always!!

In verse 3, David exults, saying, "Though an army deploys against me, my heart is not afraid; though a war breaks out against me, still I am confident."  You see, faith will give us confidence, the trust to face whatever comes our way, even our enemies.  Our faith (our trust and confidence) helps us to see God as the One who shields and protects us from all evil forces.  In David's case, the LORD stood before him to help him and keep him secure.  Thus in faith, he says, "Though a war breaks out against me, still I am confident."  His victories gave David the confidence to believe, to have faith even amid war and surrounded by enemies.  He acknowledges that God would fight for him and protect him.  Our God also fights for us Christians today!  Paul recognized this when he said, "No, in all these things we are more than victorious through Him who loved us."  (Romans 8:37).  Such comforting words enlighten our souls!

We see God's power throughout the Scriptures as He took care of His nation.  Take, for instance, what God told Abraham in a vision.  “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”  You see, God reassured Abraham that he need not fear because He was going to make him a great nation even though he was without a son (Genesis 15).  God also told Jacob not to fear moving him and his family down to Egypt because He was going to take care of them and make them a great nation.  God said, "I myself will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also bring you up again, and Joseph's hand shall close your eyes”  Genesis 46:3-4).  God also told Joshua repeatedly to take courage and not be afraid because He was with him (Joshua 1:9; 8:1; 10:25; 11:6). God told Jeremiah not to be afraid to speak what He commanded him to say to the nation (Jeremiah 1:6-8).  He told Ezekiel the same thing when He commanded him to speak to the nation of Israel when they were rebelling against Him.  God said, "And you, son of man, be not afraid of them, nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions.  Be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house. 7 And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house” (Ezekiel 2:6-7).  God told the people of Israel before they conquered the land of Canaan, saying,  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

God not only made these promises in the Old Testament but throughout the New Testament as quoted in Hebrews, “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?‘”  (Hebrews 13:5-6).  In Matthew 10:28-31, Jesus said, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."  Therefore, we have nothing to fear except being outside of the light of God, for if God is not our light, then there is much to fear.  But if God is our light, then there is nothing to fear, for He is with us and is our deliverance.

"I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire:  to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple.  5 For He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock.  6 Then my head will be high above my enemies around me; I will offer sacrifices in His tent with shouts of joy.  I will sing and make music to the LORD."  (Psalm 27:4-6)
  • The Stronghold of Our Life:
Our God is a mighty stronghold, the anchor of our lives, when there is turmoil, storms of doubt, discouragement, despair, defeat as well as when we face the waves and winds of temptation, the trials, and the sorrows that tear at our sails.  When we are faithful followers of Christ, we can have the confidence that no matter how bad things might appear, life can be free of worry, fear, and anxiety with God on our side.  Our God brings us inner peace, calmness, or quietness.  Our LORD is our peace because He is our Light.   Even death itself has no hold over us.  Every person fears death, but we Christians must not fear death since it is merely a transition into eternal life and paradise with God.   The Scriptures repeatedly reassure us with confidence saying,  “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).  Our God is our strength and joyIsn't that marvelous!

David’s earnest desire was to seek after God that he might dwell in His House (verses 4-6).  David wanted to be in God's presence more than anything else he desired.  He wanted "to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life."  It was David's chief yearning, and it must be ours too.  Verses 4-6 are captivating to me because of David's earnest desire to seek after God and dwell in His house.  And though the Temple was not completed yet when David wrote this Psalm (Solomon, his son, finished building the Temple after David's death), David was not speaking literally about dwelling in the Tabernacle (only the priests could enter it).  David spoke of the close and intimate relationship he had with his LORD.  The word "house" does not refer to a physical one.  It is a figurative "house" that refers to God's presence, where God is and wants to be.  David wanted to be where God dwelt and see Him in all of His infinite beauty.  He wanted to behold the beauty of the LORD and meditate in His presence, His temple.  God's glory and presence gave him joy continually.   He gazed upon God's kindness and goodness all the time.  He would come to inquire in God's temple to know His will more perfectly.  His chief desire was to be in God's presence in his actions, love, growth, and understanding of God's will.  It is beautiful beyond description!!

David knew that although life is full of troubles and trials, God would be his Helper to shield him with His strength.  He says, "For He will conceal me in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock."  You see, God is our protection (a tabernacle or tent); and a rockOur God is our security to hide us in His presence as our tabernacle or tent.  As our rock, He sets us on high to keep us far from the arrows and slingshots of our enemies.  David tells us that God will put us in the hollow of His mighty hand to protect us with His presence and strength from all harm.  As we walk with God in true communion, we can rest assured that He will be there for us to help us handle life's difficulties and to give us the strength to endure them.  God will provide for us in times of danger, for He will lift up our heads in victory over our enemies and those who want to defeat us.  When I think of what my God has done in my life and how He has met His promises to me, I can't help but shout of joy and sing praises to Him!

Therefore, like David, we must desire earnestly to draw near our God. We must want to be with Him and seek Him in all of His glory and beauty as David did.  Our greatest desire in life must be to have an intimate relationship with our Creator and walk or commune with Him as His friends.  We must yearn to see Him face to face as our God and Creator as Enoch, Abraham, and Moses did.  David longed for the LORD only and for nothing else.  Therefore, our God must be our only focal point and nothing else in our lives.

III.   HEAR MY CRY (VOICE):   David’s Earnest Prayer to God: (27:7-10)
"LORD, hear my voice when I call; be gracious to me and answer me.  8 My heart says this about You, “You are to seek My face.”  LORD, I will seek Your face.  9 Do not hide Your face from me; do not turn Your servant away in anger.  You have been my helper; do not leave me or abandon me, God of my salvation.  10 Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD cares for me."
  • David  Needs to be Heard:
In verse 7, David cries out, saying, "LORD, hear my voice when I call; be gracious to me and answer me."  As a helpless and needy servant, David seeks God's face.  He earnestly petitions God to come to his rescue.  David puts his faith in God by asking Him to place His protective arms around him, and that is exactly what we must do.  He remembers who God is and what He has done for him.  Therefore, he begs his God to come to his defense against his enemies.  Indeed, God hears when we cry out to Him, and He is never too busy to listen to us.   Yet, He is the last person we want to talk to.  How is He going to listen to us if we don't even bother to approach His throne of mercy?  God is the only one on whom we can confidently lay our heavy burdens to find relief and rest for our weary souls.  We must believe and trust Him, for He will indeed listen to us.  He is a faithful and perfect Father who longs to hear us when we cry out to Him.  Can there be a better or more perfect listener than our Father in heaven who wants to hear us?  No one, for there is no better listener who can help us with our cries like our God!   No one can assist us and grant us the inner peace that we so desperately need in our times of turmoil except our Father in heaven.  That is why we must always remind ourselves of all His promises.  Jesus, our Lord, promised us that if we "keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you"  (Matthew 7:7).  Such faithful promises are too much for me to fathom!  So, I will trust in Him with all of my heart and soul!!

  • David Needs Acceptance:
"8 My heart says this about You, 'You are to seek My face.'  LORD, I will seek Your face."'   God has asked His children to seek His "face." The word "face" with regard to God represents that intimate or unique communion, God's favor, we have with Him.  God wants us to have close fellowship with Him.  God invites us to seek Him.  David accepts God's invitation to seek Him, so he begins praying to Him fervently.

In verse 9, David prays to God, saying, "Do not hide Your face from me; do not turn Your servant away in anger.  You have been my helper; do not leave me or abandon me, God of my salvation."  In his prayer, he cries out and begs God to answer him.  He is aware that his prayer is an emergency that demands urgency, for he is indeed in deep despair and trouble.  He needs immediate assistance.  So he pleads with God to hear him and respond with mercy and kindness.  As he prays to God, his eyes move from the clouds of conflict and doubt.  David fervently expresses his need for acceptance and for God to rescue him.  Don't we all want to be accepted when we struggle with rejection?  We experience at times such rejection, perhaps from our family, or maybe our spouse, friends, co-workers, brethren, and those with whom we come into contact in our everyday tasks in life.

"10 Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD cares for me."   Verse 10 captivates my heart because of its beautyDavid felt as if the world had discarded him, for even his dearest friends had turned against him.  Indeed, there was a blanket of loneliness upon him.  But he is confident because of his faith that God will take better care of him than anyone else he has met in life.  And even though others have failed him in the past, he is confident that God will not forsake him but instead be with him all the way.  David's faith found refuge and strength in God.  He found consolation in God as He shielded him and strengthened him when troubles surrounded him.

 And though we sometimes feel as if the world has cast us away, our God will not abandon us, for He cares for usSuch mighty comfort and confidence in our God Almighty!!  David acknowledged God’s immense love for him, and so must we.  Thus, in verse 9, David exclaims, "Do not hide Your face from me; do not turn Your servant away in anger.  You have been my helper; do not leave me or abandon me, God of my salvation."  God had been David's help when he most needed it in his life.  God did not abandon David.  God's help and approval are all that must matter in our lives.  Even when the world rejects us, our God is faithful to His faithful ones, and He will not reject and abandon us.   Therefore, like David, we must seek the LORD for true acceptance and not the world.  Without God's acceptance, we will starve and run the risk of seeking the acceptance of this world.

IV.   OUR GOD IS OUR GUIDANCE:  (27:11-14)
"Because of my adversaries, show me Your way, LORD, and lead me on a level path.  12 Do not give me over to the will of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing violence.  13 I am certain that I will see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living.  14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and courageous.  Wait for the LORD!

David also pled with God for guidance.  He said, "11 Because of my adversaries, show me Your way, LORD, and lead me on a level path."  Our faith casts our fears away through God's guidance in His Word.  All faithful followers of God want to know God's ways better.  They want to be led by God to a "level path."  Our God can guide our steps in the way of righteousness.  Like David, we must desire to walk a level path of obedience to God.  When we stand on God's stable path, we can face our enemies.  God protects us from evil and danger, and He will care for us as His precious children.  As His beloved children, we need to be taught by our Father, who loves us and cares for us.  We can confidently turn to Him for guidance, but because we are often stubborn and reject our Father's guidance and wisdom, we find ourselves in trouble.  We deceive ourselves thinking we are wiser and have more knowledge than Him, but the truth is that we are completely lost without God as our Helper.  We must learn to humble ourselves and turn to God Almighty for His hand of mercy and helpLet us not harden our hearts and retreat into our weaknesses and the delusions of sin that ensnare us.  Let us surrender our will to God's will, that He may lead us in the path of righteousness, the only perfect path.

  • David Needs God's Protection:
"Do not give me over to the will of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing violence." (Verse 12)
In verse 12, David makes a special plea to God for protectionEvil and slanderous men are speaking evil against him.  Violent men are trying to ensnare him.  They are breathing violence and seek to harm him.  He feels overcome.

David prays to God for protection amid so much darkness and turmoil.   As we read this Psalm, it is evident that David had many enemies (in verses 2, 3, 11, 12).  God is our Provider, for He alone provides for our needs.   Sadly, we often try to fill these voids in other ways that are not God's ways.  Yet, our heavenly Father cares enough for us that He is willing to meet our needs when we let Him be our Light to guide and protect us.  When we walk in the Light as He is in the Light, we can confidently trust in Him and not be afraid.  I must remind myself of this!!

  • David’s Reminders Amid His Trials And Turmoil:  (27:13-14)
"I am certain that I will see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living.  14 Wait for the LORD; be strong and courageous.  Wait for the LORD!"
  • Wait for the LORD!
"Wait for the LORD" is one of my all-time favorite phrases in the Bible.  Verse 13 manifests David's immense confidence in God in moments of much turmoil.  Were it not for God's goodness, David would've given up in despair.  He declares, “I am certain that I will see the LORD’s goodness in the land of the living.”  His enormous hope in God sustained him.  His faith allowed him to see God's goodness, His kindness.  Because of God's goodness, His kindness, our God will come to our rescue and keep us in the "land of the living."  Such precious hope is marvelous beyond words!!

In verse 14, David exclaimed, "Wait for the LORD; be strong and courageous.  Wait for the LORD!"  David knew that God would answer his prayer because he knew who God was.  An Almighty God keeps His promises, for all of God's promises are faithful and not false.  So, David prayed, knowing that his prayer would be answered as he patiently walked with God.  David waited for the LORD's goodness through his faith in Him.  David knew that God was with him in whatever state he found himself in.   David did not give in to his doubts and fears.  He was determined to have courage, for he believed that God would extend His hand of mercy and goodness to him.  He chose to be patient until God could give him the victory over his trials.  So, David had two reminders:  First, wait for the LORD, and second, God's timing is not our timing.  David was resolved to pray and wait for the LORD and His timing.  He knew God would not delay coming to spare him from all his troubles and turmoil.  We must learn patience. We must learn to wait for the LORD to help us.  Let us keep these two reminders and not get discouraged when fear assails our door.  David states these reminders at the beginning and end of verse 14 as his farewell words.

So, are you waiting for the LORD with confidence and patience?  In Proverbs 20:22, we are reminded of God's justice, “Don’t say, 'I will avenge this evil!'  Wait on the LORD, and He will rescue you.'"  Sadly, we demand answers and solutions to our problems immediately because of our bad habits. We refuse to wait for the LORD. We cannot wait to see how things might turn out.  We delude ourselves, thinking that we know all the answers. We think we already know the best solution to our problems.  We demand that things be done according to our folly, knowledge, and our desires rather than trust in the faithfulness of God's promises.   But what does this lack of trust or confidence in our LORD portray?  Merely a lack of faith in Him.  When we behave in such a manner, we are telling God we do not trust Him and His knowledge of what is in our best interests, as He has purposed for us.  How often do we wait for the LORD?  Very little!  We choose to complain about Him for not hearing our prayers.  We complain that He has let us down and refuses to help us.  Such whinners and complainers we are!  Where is our patience and confidence?  Where is our trust in God?   We must wait for Him!

  • We Must Be Courageous:
God commanded Abraham, the nation of Israel, Joshua, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to be courageous and wait upon Him.  We must be courageous in the LORD. We need to be flexible and depend on the LORD more.   We must not concede when obstacles come our way.  Indeed, God's people find an infinite number of obstacles as they walk the narrow way on the way to heaven.  However, our LORD repeatedly demands that we believe and trust Him with all our might.

He is with us and will be with His faithful children all the way to the gates of heaven.  He has promised us that He will come to our aid to help us overcome all of life's obstacles and the darkness in our path, only if we will faithfully trust in Him to deliver us.  He has promised us that we will be able to overcome everything because of our faith in Him.  We must trust in Him to meet whatever challenges that might come our way.  He has promised us that He will strengthen our minds and hearts to do whatever it is that He requires us to do.  We must not act foolishly and demand that everything be done our way.  We must not complain but instead cry out to Him with all of our heart, for He cares for us.  Therefore, let us resolve to be strong in the LORD and in His power to help us overcome.  Let us learn this attitude of heart to endure our many trials victoriously.  

Let those heroes we read of in Hebrews 11 be our motivatorsThey trusted and waited for the LORD in the face of adversity.  Are you willing to wait for the LORD as your only deliverer and stronghold?  Are you willing to stand for the LORD and His kingdom of righteousness while facing your needs and trials?  Remember, many of these heroes came through victoriouslyTheir faith grew stronger because of their courage to remain faithful to their God in the face of hardship.  Will you hold on to your faith in your times of turmoil and suffering?  Will you stand for the LORD and wait for Him no matter the price?  Or will you give up and accept defeat?  The choice is yours to make!  I choose always to wait and stand for the LORD in whatever circumstances I am.


Our faith in our God will win over fear and doubt, for He is our defense, strength, and guide.  He surrounds us with His Almighty arms of protection against our circumstances and enemies.  God helps us bear the fiery furnace of our trials so that we might not be burned.  We must walk by faith and not by fearGod is our Light, who brings us out of the darkness of sin into His glorious Light of righteousness.  God provides guidance to life's problems through His TruthHe is our salvation, for He delivers us with His strong hand.  He is also our defense when we put our trust in Him as faithful servants.  He puts us on a high rock to keep us from harm and danger, for He loves us and cares for usMay our God be praised for His marvelous Light, salvation, and defense!  Our God is not only a God of love but also of Truth.  He keeps His promises, and there is no falsehood in Him.  Therefore, we must trust Him with an unwavering faith to face each trial that comes our way.

Our heart's yearning must be to seek after God and dwell with Him, walking with Him as His companions and members of His family.  We must behold God's beauty with purity and love that His magnificence might surround us.  Like David, we must desire to know God's Truth and have His mind by doing all things His way.  To do this, we must have a yearning to study, learn and do His will.  God will deliver us when we submit our will to His will in all things.  In doing this, we can rest assured that He will give us spiritual victories over our difficulties.  God's goodness compels us to rejoice in our problems and trialsHis presence, love, and victory are enough to walk our journey here on earth.  Through His Son, he has provided all that we need to accomplish His Will.  Therefore, we must offer living sacrifices of joy and praise to Him with a heart of gratitude.  We demonstrate our gratitude to Him by our godly and holy living and by the way we live out His Word.

So when trouble comes your way, don't lose heart but choose to be strong and wait on the LORD. And though waiting is hard, it is necessary. Believe with all your heart that you will see God's goodness in the land of the living.  Trust in His goodness and faithfulnessRemain faithful to Him and keep praying.  Wait on Him and remain faithful to Him.  Seek God's face by drawing nearer to Him in prayer.  Approach His throne with confidence and cry out to Him.  God will hear your deep feelings, even your broken and distressing ones.  Put yourself in God's hands and let Him guide you into His level path of righteousness.  But you must remember to be patient and wait on the LORD.  He will lead you to a safe and secure placeWhat an awesome Father we have in heaven!!

Is God the Light in your life? Is He your deliverance, your salvation, and your stronghold in this world? If you are not walking the level path of righteousness with God as you draw near to Him, then it will be hard to have that confidence, faith, trust I have mentioned in my study.   Don't lose God's great blessings by turning away from Him and living in the sinful desires of the flesh.  Why not draw near to Him and His ways that lead us to the path of righteousness?  Why not pray and talk to Him more in prayer?  Why not choose to be in His presence by studying and meditating on His Word?  Why not choose to walk with Him that He might be your Friend to listen to you, protect you and guide you?  I can assure you, He will not let you down and will not forsake you.  Let us wait for the LORD to provide all we need to make it to heavenWhen you find yourself in the pit, look up to God in prayer!

May we have an unwavering faith, waiting and trusting in God when we feel lost, without hope and mercy.  May we always turn to our Light that He may give us strength and victory over our fears, our enemies, and evildoers who rise against us.  May we stand firm and rooted in His Word that we may have confidence in Him.  May we always seek His face and worship Him with songs of praise as we walk His level path of righteousness.  May we learn to wait for Him steadfastly by praying and by keeping watch.  May we focus on God as our shelter and hiding place.  Finally, may we seek the LORD while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near.   May all men return to the LORD, that He may have compassion on them, for He will abundantly pardon.

The following song was my motivation to write this study.

Written By C.E. Couchman

The LORD is my light and my salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
And He is my strength, the defense of my life.
Whom shall I fear?
Have mercy, O LORD, and answer my cry.
Turn not away.
For You are my help, the God of salvation.
Turn not away.

O LORD, lead me now in Your path straight and even.
Teach me Your way.
I will not despair; Your goodness sustains me.
Teach me Your way.
To dwell in His house all the days of my life:
This shall I seek.
And oh, to behold the LORD in His beauty!
This shall I seek.

Wait, wait, O wait on the LORD.
Be strong and take courage!
Wait on the LORD.
Wait, wait, O wait on the LORD.
Be strong and take courage!
Yes, wait on the LORD.


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