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Wednesday, August 30, 2017


"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; 
And their expanse is declaring the work of  His hands.  
2 Day to day pours forth speech, 
And night to night reveals knowledge. 
3 There is no speech, nor are there words; 
Their voice is not heard. 
4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, 
And their utterances to the end of the world.  
In them He has placed a tent for the sun, 
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; 
It rejoices as a strong man to run his course.  
6 Its rising is from one end of the heavens, 
And its circuit to the other end of them; 
And there is nothing hidden from its heat.  
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; 
The Testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.  
8 The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.  
9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.  
10 They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.  
11 Moreover, by them Your servant is warned;
In keeping them there is great reward.  
12 Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults.  
13 Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins; 
Let them not rule over me; 
Then I will be blameless, 
And I shall be acquitted of great transgression.  
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart 
Be acceptable in Your sight, 
O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19 

How does God persuade a fleshly, sin enslaved people to look up and see the glory of righteousness? Once upon a time, He thundered on the mountain, then set it on fire and sounded a supernatural trumpet so loud that they could not help but tremble and fall on their faces in His presence. In a peaceful way, Psalm 19 reaches out to us by displaying the glory of God's creation, spoken into existence. The Psalmist then proceeds to display the glory of God's Laws, which lead us into righteous living.

Lately, I've been reflecting on how God's Word acts like a seed.  As I meditate on this, I can't help but think about the seeds I use in my garden.  The seeds are so small, but they are alive and produce after their kind.  Such seeds grow up and produce an abundant harvest.  It is hard for our physical senses to judge whether a seed is alive or not. Since we cannot see, feel, hear, smell, or taste the life of a seed, there is only one way to prove if such a seed is alive to be planted.  You see, a seed will not produce until it is planted.  Seeds do not grow just by displaying them on a shelf or a sack.  They must be adequately planted to produce a bountiful harvest.  This is the way the Word of God works in our lives.  If we want the Word of God to produce a bountiful harvest in our heart and mind, we must plant it well.  We must desire and cherish it.  How?  By hearing, reading, meditating, and speaking it. We must hear and heed the Words of Christ (which include the apostle's words Luke 10:16), the will of the Father.

"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’  24 'Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock... 26 Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.'  28 When Jesus had finished these words, the crowds were amazed at His teaching; 29 for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes."'  (Matt. 7:21-29)

Those who obey God's Words are wise because they will enter heaven.  On the other hand, those who are rebellious, foolish, and lawless do not obey the Word of God; thus, they will be lost eternally.  We must stress the need for hearing and heeding the words of Christ!  "He who has ears, let him hear"  (Matt. 13:9).  We must be open and obedient to His Words.  Notice what Jesus Himself said,

"Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. 14 In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says, 'You will keep on hearing, but will not understand; You will keep on seeing, but will not perceive; 15 For the heart of this people has become dull, With their ears they scarcely hear, And they have closed their eyes, Otherwise they would see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, And understand with their heart and return, And I would heal them.'  16 But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. 17 For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.'"  (Matt. 13:13-17)

The Word of God, the Words of Christ, can save us from our sins.  But we must obey all things (Matt. 28:18-20), honor His authority over us (Matt. 28:18), love Him, and fear Him with all reverence, and show others the way to heaven through His Word and our godly example (Matt. 5:16).

Psalm 19 will be the focal point of this lesson.  I love reading and studying the Psalms!  They are filled with praise, prayer, and the riches of God's Word.  We find many prayers for deliverance and steadfastness through God's Word to help us through all our struggles.  They also help us face the enemies that so often surround us.  Without the everlasting, perfect, and mighty Word of God, we would despair.  God's Word is His wisdom, especially during difficult and trying times.  God's Word produces hope, reverence, and encouragement.  It stimulates gratitude, wisdom, direction and gives us life.  Faithfulness to God's Word is the true excellence of all virtues.  God's Word must fill our thoughts day and night.  The Word of God tastes sweet like honey as we study it.

I hope we all can be stimulated to good works through God's Word, His Law.  Each verse of this Psalm is edifying, filled with admiration and warning. The holy words of God must not be taken for granted. God has provided everything that we need. Jesus came as the ultimate expression of God's Word so that now we are without excuse. Let us marvel at His majestic Word and tremble in His presence.


  • God Reveals Himself Through His Works:  (Psalm 19:1-6).
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.  3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.  4 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.  In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.  6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat."
    • "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork 2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge."  (Psalm 19:1-2)

In today's world, there is very little respect, honor, or fear of God.  People take God's Word for granted. They use His name in a derogatory, dirty, and despicable way without even thinking.  They don't know who God is, and so they reject Him.  Do they even care who God is?  Do they know how to know Him?  How to respond to His calling?  Psalm 19 has the answers to these questions.  The truth is that we can know God because He has revealed Himself to us through His marvelous works, His creation.  God’s power and wisdom are shown in His creation (vs. 1-6).  God’s majestic creation declares His glory (verses 1-2).  The heavens declare the work of His mighty hands.  Just gaze at the skies and delight yourself! You are seeing God's glory!  All that the eyes can see proclaims His glory!  His creation speaks to all men God's wisdom and knowledge throughout the earth (verses 3-6).  His “voice” is present everywhere all over His creation, speaking to us constantly. God communicates His glory and wisdom to us day and night.  God's infinite creation shows His infinite wisdom.  God has an eye for beauty and diversity.  He appreciates law and order.  His creation "pours out speech."  It speaks abundantly to us about Him, His glory, and power. I am always amazed at His majestic creation.  The more I study and learn about our world, the more I am in awe of His glory, splendor, and mighty power.

In Romans 1:20, Paul stresses this very point.  He makes this argument to the Gentiles that they should come to know God because of His creation.
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."  
This is a powerful truth, an argument that is still useful today.  Therefore, all of mankind is compelled to know God and seek Him because His creation speaks volumes about the great Creator and Lord of the universe.

    • "3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.  4 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world."  (Psalm 19:3-4)
Hence, no one has an excuse before God Almighty.  

    • "In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.   6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat."  (Psalm 19-4-6)

In these verses, David uses the glory of the sun to prove three things about God's revelation:
  1. The sun is like a bridegroom leaving his chamber.  
  2. The sun rises from one end of the heavens, and following its appointed path, it makes a circle to the other end.
  3. There is nothing hidden from its heat.
Isn't it interesting that so many pagan cultures worshiped the sun because of its colossal heat and strength!  They knew they were dependent upon the sun.  Yet God created the sun to show them His mighty power.  The sun is the most glorious heavenly body, and it exhibits the wondrous wisdom of its Maker.  A few days ago, we had a solar eclipse that showed us this truth.  It is tough to grasp or fathom.  The glory of God is the sum of His perfections (Psalm 24:7-10; Rom. 1:20).  But what has man done with the knowledge of such a mighty God?  
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures."  (Romans 1:18-23).


  • God Reveals Himself Through His Word (His Law):  (Psalm 19:7-11)
"The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.  8 The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.  9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.  10 They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.  11 Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward."

In Psalm 19:7-11, we are reassured that the Word of God is a great blessing when we study and understand it. The Word here is called:
  • Law
  • Testimony
  • Precepts
  • Commandment
  • Fear
  • Judgments

The Word of God, His Law, is described by six names, characteristics, and actions. It is a rule and God's Testimony for the Truth.  His Law is man's prescription of duty. It causes us to fear our God and reverence His righteous Judgments (judicial choices).  It is distinct, perfect, reliable, right, pure, holy, and true.  It revives the sinner, giving him the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  It teaches God's principles of righteousness and holiness.  Those who embrace it will be significantly rewarded.  God's Word is God's wonderful gift to all humanity because of its nature. Indeed, God's power is described in His Word and can revive our souls, for His instruction is perfect, complete, and lacks nothing.

Let's examine each of these terms carefully:
    • "The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul."   (Psalm 19:7a
Here we are told that God's Law, the Word, is perfect.  There's no room for mistakes or error, only perfection!  It is perfectly designed for us.  It perfectly equips us with all that we need.  God gives us His perfect Word to help and guide us in a world of darkness and imperfection.   He pours out His Word on us with a fragrant aroma to help us live righteously.  But, we have been warned not to add or take away from it"Whatever I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it."  (Deuteronomy 12:32).  The Word of God is as satisfying and refreshing as a glass of cold water on a hot day....just what we need!  The beauty of it is that it draws us back to Him. The Word is the living water that we keep running to when we thirst for righteousness.  It converts our souls and brings salvation.  It's the power to restore our souls back to Him by showing us our sin and our need for Him and His Word.  The Word of God, His Law, can bring back to life the soul that is dead because of sin.  The Word of God can revive us, but we must let it work in us.  For "man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
    • "The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple."  (Psalm 19:7b
This refers to the whole Bible as God's sacred Testimony.  It is His Testimony of Who He is to us. Yes, the Word is sure, absolute, and confirmed.  It is trustworthy, making wise the simple.  The Word of God is easy to read, and we can trust the words God has written for us.  The instructions given in His Word are easy to follow.  When we follow them, we find salvation, contentment, joy, and, most importantly, eternal life.  Obedience to God's Word shows wisdom.  He who refuses to heed God's Word shows himself to be a fool.  In I Corinthians 1:19-21, Paul shows how God used the "foolishness" of the Gospel to destroy the wisdom of the wise.  God's Word can never be shaken. We can lean on it with confidence.  The Word makes us wise to salvation.  Even the simple can understand what is written in it.
    "They read from the book,  from the law of God, translating to give the sense so that they understood the reading."  (Nehemiah 8:8)

    The people of Israel asked Ezra to bring the Book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had given to them.
    "And they read from it before the gathering from early morning until midday, in the presence of men and women, those who could understandand all the people were attentive to the book of the law."  (Nehemiah 8:3)
    "And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people for he was standing above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up."  (Nehemiah 8:5)
    It was such an encouraging and emotional moment when they revered the Word of God. What encouragement! They knew God's Word is sure, making wise the simple.

    God's Word is Law to be defended and to be revered.  It is His Testimony to His faithfulness to those who choose to follow Him.  Let us never take His Word carelessly.  God's Word as Law is perfect, and we can never go wrong.  As Testimony, we know it is all Truth, complete and sure.  Our God is so faithful that He makes way for those who have trouble understanding it.  He shows them and teaches them what is right.
      • "The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart."  (Psalm 19:8a)  
    Here the word Precepts is defined as law, decree, or rule.  It tells us that the Bible is God's Law, decreed by Him, and made to rule over all.  It is His commandment for all those who profess to be Christians. The word Precept is defined here as a rule intended to regulate behavior or thought. God's Word dictates to us, His children.  God's Law is straight and perfect.  His laws are not crooked. God's statements are ordained for obedience, that one might walk the straight path and be joyful. God's straight paths, His Precepts, bring joy as we obey them. Obeying God's straight Precepts maximizes our joy in life. When we follow God's ways, they will bring gladness to our hearts.  God's Precepts are dictated to us so that we may do what is right, straightforward, suitable, and correct. The word "dictate" means to tell with authority. Therefore, we must believe and obey God's Word.
      • "The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes." (Psalm 19:8b) 
    God's Word is pure and gives off light.  Some translations say, "The commandment of the Lord is radiant" to show the purity of His Word.  The purity of His Law is enlightening to us (2 Timothy 3:15; Psalm 119:105).  His Word brings discernment.  It removes the darkness in us, leading us on the path of Light.  It is a lamp to our feet as we walk in the Light that we might find the perfect and righteous direction.   God's commandments are pure, meaning free from moral defilement, genuine, true, without spot, and holy.  The Word of God is purifying to all who read, study and embrace it.

     "And for this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received from us the Word of God's message, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the Word of God, which also performs its work in you who BELIEVE (I Thessalonians 2:13).  God's Word enlightens us and opens our eyes to an understanding of sin.  It teaches us to fear, honor, and glorify Him.  "Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures."  (Luke 24:45)

    • "The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever."  (Psalm 19:9a)   
    The word fear refers to the reverence and respect of our LORD.  It is a respect and reverence that grows out of a healthy fear of the great power of God and His righteous indignation against all sin and disrespect that men show toward their Creator and Lord. It is awe-filled reverence to our God.  It is used in Nehemiah 1:11 as "servants who delight to fear Thy name."  In other words, we, His children, must delight in honoring Him in all things.  In Job 28:28Job refers to the fear of God as wisdom.  To revere God is wise.  So my question is, "Why can we not be in awe of His Word?" "Why should we not seek and make it our ambition to read, study, understand, and obey all that He has to say about His Word?"  The fear of the LORD is clean, meaning in a moral and ethical sense, it is clean by teaching us what is right and wrong.  Psalm 119:9 states that the Word of God cleanses us and makes us pure,  "How can a young man keep his way pure?  By keeping it according to Thy Word."  Those things that are corrupt decay and pass away.  Purity endures forever. 

    God's Word endures forever, and it never perishes because it is pure, without any blemish, error, or flaw.  It is in harmony with God's character, thus enduring forever.  It remains unchanged. Likewise, God is steadfast and unchangeable!  The Word of God cleanses us from the filth of sin.  It cleans our character, lives, mouths, personality, bad habits, and actions.  It regenerates men into righteousness, in the likeness of God, our Creator.  In knowing and understanding this, we are more than confident that God will sustain us.  The Bible, the Word of God, His Law is amazing!  Let's never take for granted His Word!  Let's revere and embrace it in our hearts.  The fear of the LORD is reverential obedience and hatred of evil or sin (Proverbs 1:7, 29; 2:1-5; 3:7).  The fear of God was a trademark that characterized the first-century church (Acts 9:31).  The fear of the LORD is what we need today to please God.
      • "The judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether." (Psalm 19:9b)
    The word Judgments here is referring to God's ordinances.  His rules and commandments.  "Thou has ordained Thy precepts, that we should keep them diligently.  Oh that my ways maybe established to keep Thy statutes!"  (Psalm 119:4-5).  We can confidently rely on the Word of God for direction and counsel, for it is righteous altogether.  Every word God speaks is righteous, and so are God's actions.  They are for our benefit. God has our best interests in mind.  We can rest assured that we can depend on Him and His Word completely.  Those who walk in His Law are not defiled but instead are blessed.  His Word is "true and righteous altogether."  His Truth is perfect, according to the LORD's righteousness
      • "They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold."  (Psalm 19:10a).  
    The phrase "more desirable" says we are to covet and take full pleasure in His Word.  God's Word must be desired more than anything else in life... even much fine gold!   Consider, gold is one of the most sought after precious metals.  It doesn't compare to the value of God's Word, His Law.  It doesn't even come close to the value of God's righteous commandments and statutes. The value of God's Law to transform and regenerate us is immeasurable, for it revives our souls and makes us wise (the simple).  It gladdens the heart as it enlightens our eyes.  How impressive is God's Law! God's Law is more valuable than all the money and possessions this world has to offer us.  When we treat the Word of God, His Law, as more valuable than gold, we will then learn to be more diligent in studying it.   
      • "Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb."  (Psalm 19:10b).  
    God's Word is also sweeter than honey dripping from the honeycomb.  Do you like honey?  I do!  I eat it and love cooking with it.  Oh, what a pleasant taste it is to our palate!  It is full of sweetness and pleasure to the senses.  Did you know that the Bible, the Word of God, has the same effect on us by causing pleasure to our souls?  "How sweet are Thy words to my taste!  Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"  (Psalm 119:103).  But the big difference is that honey has a temporary sweetness, and the Word of God is everlasting to everlasting to those who believe and obey it.  It is satisfying to the hungry and malnourished soul. A side effect of honey, when consumed in excess, is that it works against our bodies, causing damage to our teeth and our vital organs.  But no matter how much we consume of the Truths of God, it is never enough.  Actually, the more, the better for our souls. God's Word can fulfill and enrich us like nothing else in this world.  It fills the emptiness in our hearts that many people try to fill with earthly things.  Yet, the only thing that can satisfy our spirit and soul is God and His Word.  God's Words are the sweetest blessing in our life.
      • "Moreover, by them Thy servant is warned."   (Psalm 19:11a)   
    Let us never forget that the Word of God is a warning to us, a warning to obey by doing exactly what is expected of us, a warning not to put it aside.  A warning of the terrible consequences if we do not abide in it.  God does not leave us ignorant of the dire consequences of rejecting and disobeying His Word.  God has warned us greatly about violating His righteous laws. We must never take God's Word for granted.  It is a terrible thing to neglect!  It is the lifeline of our soul and life.  "Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman to the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me"  (Ezekiel 3:17).   God's revelation is demonstrated when we receive the warnings of God's Word.
    • "In keeping them there is great reward."  (Psalm 19:11b)   
    David highlights for us God's great reward when we keep His Words.  Not only will we be rewarded on that great Day of Judgment, but even today, there are great rewards in our lives.  When we obey God's laws, the rules He has given for our lives, we are walking the path of righteousness, and we will reap the fruits of righteousness.  Because we keep God's laws and commands, our very lives help us judge righteously (make righteous choices) in our lives with hope, contentment, peace, and calmness of heart.  Others cannot enjoy these blessings because of sin and evil in their lives. They are slaves to their desires and lusts, making it difficult to be free from the slavery of sin.  They refuse to obey God's commands, so they rob themselves of the joy that can only be found when we obey God's commands. There is a great reward in keeping God's Word exceedingly beyond what we can imagine.  We learn full obedience through God's Word.  His Word gives us peace, wisdom, comfort, joy, relief, and great satisfaction.  The Word gives us grace and redemption through Jesus Christ.  His revelation is shown in our willingness to obey His Word and receive His rewards.


      • Response to God's Revelation:   (Psalm 19:12-14)
      "Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults.  13 Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins; Let them not rule over me; Then I will be blameless, And I shall be acquitted of great transgression.  14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."
        • "Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults."  (Verse 12)  

      This is a prayer for forgiveness, with the confession of sins.  Here David is asking for the forgiveness of his sins.  Indeed, David acknowledges he has committed sins, many faults, and made many errors in his life.  He admits to his faults, flaws, and shortcomings, and so must we.  He needs God's forgiveness.  Moreover, David is not just concerned about those sins he is aware of but asks God to cleanse him from his hidden faults and sins.  We must have David's heart and ask God humbly to point out to us not only those flaws, faults, shortcomings, and sins in our life that we are aware of but all those things that, in our day to day walk, we fail to acknowledge as sin (hidden faults).  How often do we fall short of loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength?!  How often do we fail God because we don't love our neighbor as ourselves?!  How often do we fall short when we fail to show the love of Christ with compassion to the lost, helpless, and hopeless?!  How often do we fall short when we mistreat others?!  It is easy to ignore how we treat others.  It is easy for us to offend others without even acknowledging that we have done something wrong.  

      David is clearly aware that he has fallen short, even in ways he is not aware of.  For all those times, he humbly asks forgiveness, and so must we. We must examine our hearts and purge all such terrible attitudes from it before our Almighty God.  And though we might not lie, steal, curse or lust, we're still falling short when we fail to love God and our neighbor completely. Why?  Because our attitude of the heart does not reflect Christ living in us.  And since we all have hidden faults, and we know we have many, we are always in need of God's forgiveness.  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  (1 John 1:9)
        • "Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins; Let them not rule over me; Then I will be blameless, And I shall be acquitted of great transgression."  (Verse 13

      David is praying for God's deliverance from future sins.  He is asking God's help to give him victory over sin.  He likewise is asking God to keep him from sinning and rebelling against God. We all need to humbly approach God's throne for strength to overcome the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life.  David's words, "Let them not rule over me," are the appropriate response to God's revelation.  Paul also said, "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace."  (Romans 6:14)  Therefore, sin must not be our master, for sin must not rule over us with its sinful desires.  We must not surrender to our weaknesses!  Just as David prayed to God in his own life to help him overcome sin, we should pray to God the same way. Under no circumstances must we let sin rule over us and be our master.  Since God has delivered us from the slavery of sin, let us not turn back to it.  Who are we going to allow to rule our life?  God or Satan?  We must be wise to make the righteous choice.  David acknowledged he was God's servant, and therefore he asks God to help him from turning aside that he might be blameless and innocent of many transgressions.
        • "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer."  (Verse 14)  

      David is praying to be acceptable and pleasing to God with his mouth and heart.  God judges our actions and motives.  He also searches our hearts to see if our motives and attitudes are in harmony with His righteous will.  He demands that our hearts be clean in His sight.  A heart without actions is worthless, as is our faith without works.  No sacrifices are greater than our heart's obedience to God.  We must examine and judge the motives and intentions of our hearts, for God is judging our hearts.  God not only demands a good heart but a heart that bears good fruit to His glory.  Remember, Uzzah had the right motive when he reached out and touched the Ark of the covenant in 2 Samuel 6, but God struck him dead for violating His Law.  Do not forget that we are accountable to God for our actions.  Therefore, we must examine our actions, our deeds to make sure we're walking the path of righteousness in the sight of God.  Let our prayer be three things:  
      1. Forgiveness of past sins.
      2. Deliverance from future sins and 
      3. The cleansing, transformation of our hearts and tongues, that we might be acceptable and pleasing to God.  
      God has already revealed His will, glory, power, and laws to us that we may walk the straight path of righteousness in complete obedience to Him.


        God Has revealed Himself to us through His written Word to show us who He is so that we might understand His nature and character.   God’s Word is perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, and righteous.  His Word is to be desired above great riches and pleasure.  We must read and study the Word of God with a heart of humility and submissiveness.  Don't forget, we are in His presence and reading His Precepts.  This must be taken as a moment for growing and knowing Him better.  Remember, these Precepts are HIS and not ours. They were enacted by His authority. They are from the One True God.  

        And though the Word of God is excellent and perfect, few truly want to hear it.  We are often surrounded by haters of God and His Word, whose only desire is to spew hatred and angry words toward those who dare to teach the Gospel and oppose sin (worldliness and ungodliness).  We are silenced and intimidated into not teaching and preaching the Gospel.  We must continue teaching against sin and proclaim all of God's Truth.  We must continue trying to reach out to the lost even when rejected.  We must not allow the Word of God to fail!  Indeed, God's Word will bring opposition.  It has always been this way since the beginning of time.  Don't compromise and keep the Gospel to yourself.  Don't let discouragement silence you.  Keep preaching and teaching, even if you are faced with a brick wall.  Don't allow failure (not able to convert a soul with your many efforts) to dishearten you!  Remember that before God's sight, whether they hear or not, you're faithful and thus successful (Matt. 28:19-20; 1 Cor. 3:5-7).  Please, don't lose heart, but keep planting, watering the seed of God's Word.  Let God cause the growth.  God causes the growth and not the one who plants or waters.   Don't define your success by results!  Above all, keep planting the seed of God's Word that the wicked may turn from evil and sin.  If you don't, you will fail God, and He will hold you accountable (Ezekiel 3:17).

        Jesus, our Lord, is the Sower that sows the Word (Mark 4:14).  The seed is the incorruptible Word of God (Luke 8:11; 1 Peter 1:23).  All Christians are commanded to become sowers (Matt. 28:19-20).  One cannot make disciples of Christ without sowing the seed of God's Word and sharing His Word.  All Christians must be sowers of God's seed, His Word (Luke 8:11).  The seed has life within it (1 Peter 1:23).  Man's wisdom cannot impart life but only the incorruptible Word of God.  The seed produces after its kind (Gen. 1:11-12).  It also produces fruit with seed in it.  When we let God's Word grow abundantly in us, the seed will be spread, producing much fruit (Matt. 5:16).  Therefore, the seed must be planted to produce a plentiful harvest.  It will not bear fruit as long as it is sitting on a shelf.  James urges us to put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which can save our souls.  The seed is the Word of God, and the sower is he who spreads the Word.  The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh (2 Cor. 10:4).  The Gospel is God's power to save all men (Rom. 1:16).  God's primary intent is for all people to hear His Word and obey it.

        And though Jesus is the Sower, He is not the only one.  All Christians are sowers.  Therefore, sowers must be busy sowing the seed and not become rivals (1 Cor. 3:5-9).  They must be longsuffering (Jas. 5:7).  Even the seed that falls on good soil will require time to grow.  Paul prayed for Christ to dwell in our hearts through faith, rooted and grounded in love, and be filled with God's fullness (Eph. 4:16-19).  And so as trees put down deep roots, so we must do the same.  It is important to stress the need for an honest and good heart to hear and accept the Word of God.  A good and honest heart meditates on God's Word as he hears it.  He will do anything to understand it.  He hears it and accepts it.  God's Word becomes his everyday life, for he holds it fast and bears much fruit with perseverance.  He does not forsake God's Word when things get tough, for he understands it, accepts it, and holds it fast.  And though it is important to have an honest and good heart, they are not all evenly productive.  He who has a good and honest heart will genuinely pursue the Truth at all times. He will maintain an intense yearning and motivation to always do righteousness, regardless of difficulties.  It is not enough to bear good fruit once and then fall short into unfruitfulness.  One must persevere (Matt. 10:22; Rom. 2:7; Rom. 5:3-4; 1 Cor. 9:24; Gal. 6:9; Jas. 1:12; 2 Thess. 3:13; 2 Pet. 1:5-6; 2 Tim. 2:12; Heb. 10:36; Phil. 3:14; 1 Tim. 6:12; Heb. 10:36; Heb. 12:1-2; Eom. 12:12; Rev. 2:10; Rev. 3:11, etc.).  Our bearing much fruit will be possible when we let Christ abide in us (John 15:5-8).  

        The more we understand God's Word, the more our sins will be manifested.  God's Word will show us our faults, shortcomings, sins, and everything against God.  It can cleanse us from the filth of sin and restrain us from committing sin.  Through the Word of God, we can be blameless (our words and thoughts) and be acceptable to God.  It is in the understanding of the Word of God that His Precepts are right.  His Word is never wrong.  It is our everlasting foundation where our hearts can stand firm for eternity.  The Bible, His Word, His Law, is infinite and boundless.  It never fails us.  It is perfectly suitable for every good work.

        "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for TRAINING in RIGHTEOUSNESS; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."  (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

        Please bear with me as I attempt to express these thoughts in the form of poetry.

        By Luci Y. Partain

        I praise Thee, my God, for the gift of Thy creation...
        For the gift of the seasons, for human life, and all its perfection.
        Thou hast created the heavens and the earth.
        And they exist because of Thy goodness and existence.
        Oh, how my eyes delight in all the beauty of Thy creation,
        For it bears witness of Who Thou Art.

        With awe and reverence, my eyes behold all Thy excellent works.
        The beauty and majesty of the oceans,
        The beauty of the heavens around me,
        The beauty and order of Thy constellations and stars,
        The glory of the sun shows Thy mighty power,
        For it displays the wondrous wisdom of His Maker.
        The sum of Thy creation shouts the sum of Thy perfection!

        Thy voice thunders all around us,
        Speaking to us constantly. We are without excuse.
        Thy wisdom and glory speak to us day and night.
        Oh, how majestic and marvelous are Thy works,
        For they are beautiful and good.
        Thou, Oh Triune of God, givest life and love,
        Encouragement and grace to all Thy creation.
        Thou hast crowned us with Thy glory and honor.
        Thus, my heart will ever sing songs of praise and thanksgiving.

        Thy Word healeth the wounded and broken soul.
        And Thy Word became flesh in our Lord Jesus Christ,
        For He became part of Thy excellent creation.
        I praise Thee, my God,
        From dawn to dusk, I give Thee thanks,
        For Thou art my strength and joy
        From beginning to end.

        Oh, that all men might see Thee, Oh God, in all Thy vast creation...
        Oh, that our souls might be connected with Thee through prayer and worship...
        Oh, that all men might see Thy beauty, love, and presence in all Thy majestic creation.
        Oh, that they might build up Thy kingdom here on earth...
        Oh, that they might praise, my most high, all-powerful, and good God!
        No mortal lips are worthy to proclaim Thy precious name.

        I praise Thee, Oh my God,
        For Thy sun, moon, and stars.
        Thy hand hast made them, precious and beautiful.
        Thy heavens tell of Thy glory, Oh my God!
        All Thy creation shall shout for joy,
        And sing the glory of its Maker.

        Thou art my Giver and Inheritance,
        Thou art all I possess,
        Thou hast made everything beautiful in Thy time.
        Thy creation is the handiwork of Thy love.
        Thy creation delights in praising Thee.
        Therefore, my humble heart will sing praises to Thee.
        For Thou art my God and my King.

        Oh, how I love Thy Law,
        For it is worth more than fine gold!
        It refreshes and renews my hungry and thirsty soul.
        Thy Law gives me understanding and light
        Making my soul soar to new heights,
        For great riches are found in Thy Word, Oh my God.
        Thy Law is my strength, my shield, and sword.
        A lamp unto my feet that leads me into the pathway of righteousness.
        It fills my hungry soul with new wonders day by day.
        Sweeter than honeycomb and pure is Thy Law,
        For each word Thou utters is faithful, true, and sure.
        Oh, how I love to meditate in Thy Law,
        For it revives and keeps my heart alive.
        Therefore, my soul will hunger and thirst for Thy Law
        To feed and to nurture my soul all the days of my life.

        Oh, that all men might embrace Thy Law.
        Thy Law is living and sharper than a two-edged sword.
        Thy living Word discerns the hearts and thoughts of men.
        Thy Word reveals Thy divine nature.
         It is as satisfying and refreshing as a glass of cold water on a hot day...
        Just what we need! To draw us back to Thee.
        Thy Word is the water that our hearts keep running to when we're thirsty.
        For it turns our thirsty soul to righteousness and salvation.
        Oh, that all men might accept and adore Thy living Word in all its power!
        Oh, that they might embrace Thy Law day in and day out.
        For Thy Word lights our path and guides our souls as we trod every day,
        And while we follow Jesus, our Savior, applying His Word in our life,
        He will receive us in His heavenly abode.

        Thy Word never  grows old,
        For it is eternal and accomplishes Thy purpose.
        So friend, why don't you heed His Word and warning,
        That you might spend eternity with Him in His kingdom of righteousness?
        For this is His plan and purpose
        That you might grow and be equipped to walk His path of holiness.
        Being imitators of His Son, as Paul also walked.

        Oh, that all men might obey Thy Law,
        As their utmost Authority, for now and throughout eternity.
        Thy Word is Thy power to reach all men.
        It causes them to be born again,
        For Thy Word is the lifeblood of our hope,
        That hope we have in our Lord and Savior
        And soon to be fulfilled for all eternity.

        I long, Oh God, to hide Thy Word within my heart,
        That I might know how I should walk in Thy steps.
        May my steps be praise and worship to Thee, my God!
        For Thy Word, Oh my God,
        Draws my soul deeper into living water
        And sanctifies me more and more into Thy likeness.
        For I long to be continually washed
        With the water of Thy Word,
        To have it deep within my soul
        That it may quench my thirst.

        Teach me Thy hidden riches found in Thy Law
        Such are too precious to me!
        Thy Law is a treasure chest that helps me
        To hunt for Thy precious gems found in Thy Word.
        Let me saturate my heart with Thy Truth
        That I may treasure it in my heart.
        And let me contemplate Thy riches and treasures,
        And delight in Thy teachings, Thy Law.
        Open my eyes that I may see Thy truth yet unseen.
        Lead me to the straight path, Oh my God.
        To never go astray,
        Thy Word,  Oh God, is the guide and light  I need
        To keep me in Thy straight ways.

        My heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving for Thy Law.
        Thy Word is the manna, the bread that feeds my hungry soul
        And will continually feed it
        From now until I die.
        So teach me, my God,
        So that I may not depart from Thy Law.
        For I want to keep Thy Word alive within,
        Hidden in my heart for all eternity.

        May we cultivate a heart that is wholly devoted to God and His Word.  May we hear and heed the words of Christ on how to be saved from our sins, deny our self daily, serve and love others, and endure to the end.  May we have a desire for God's Word and receive the warnings of His Word.  May we demonstrate our willingness to obey God's Word and receive His rewards.  May we confess our sins in prayer and ask God to help us overcome and have victory over sin.  May we plant the incorruptible Word of God and reach out to the lost even when rejected.  And may we have a desire to please God with our mouth and heart that we might be acceptable in His sight.


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