Lucia's Blog: BLAME YOURSELF !
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Monday, November 18, 2013


There is a tremendous temptation on the part of both children and adults to shift blame. This can be damaging and overwhelming at times. This rotten behavior of shifting blame has been around since the beginning in the Garden of Eden.  Our first father, Adam, modeled this behavior. Of course, it is so much easier to focus on blaming others than to take full responsibility of our own personal actions. But, this blame shifting is only a sign of living an unrepented life, cowardice, fear, immaturity and why not a combination of all. We must learn to first see the beam in our own eye before focusing on our brother's mote, Matthew 7:1-6. This is vital to restore peace in our homes and the church. We must be willing to take responsibility for our own actions in order to live a life that pleases God and lead others to Him. The only way to victory! Consider the following poem.

Blame Yourself !

There’s a nasty green temptation that afflicts most everyone
To skirt responsibility when we’ve done something that’s wrong.
Instead of ‘fessing up like men to the blackness of our heart,
We focus on the other guy’s fault and emphasize his part.

Here’s a hardy, healthy maxim given long ago by Dad,
With a world of wealthy wisdom which will triumph over fad:
God has given you great mercy; You’ve been spared the very worst.
Be gen’rous to others — Blame yourself first!

The poor response by Adam on the day he broke God’s Law
Was to shift the blame to Eve using an argument of straw,
Thus establishing for Mankind this most unattractive flaw.
Learn from his mistake — Stop and blame yourself!

When you’re feeling kinda fickle ‘bout the pickle that you’re in,
Teary puddles you’re producing, as your noodle cooks the sin,
But complaining while explaining never leads to a win-win.
Take a breath, think again — And blame yourself!

When befuddled and besmirched, without a horse before the cart,
It’s ever so convenient to forget Your own wretched part,
And recount with gory details His worst mistakes from the start.
Bite your tongue, take the hit — Just blame yourself!

There’s a way to say “I’m sorry” that’s clearly not repentance,
Taking some responsibility to minimize your sentence,
While giving him the lion’s share with most self-righteous vengeance.
This is not true contrition — Blame yourself!

When you’re backed against the wall, because you’re in a rotten mess,
Next you feel the pressure mounting, and you’re needing to confess,
But by shifting blame to others, you won’t mitigate the stress,
De-escalate the crisis — Blame yourself!

There’s another type of shifting reminiscent of a snake.
It happens when you twist and turn the other’s words and then take
Advantage of their absence through your sad one-sided remake.
But that’ll really bite you — Just blame yourself!

If you break the Ninth Commandment, just to save your precious skin,
Using just a little half-truth, so it doesn’t seem like sin,
But a half truth is a whole lie, and another form of spin.
Better focus on your part — Blame yourself!

By sustaining all your blaming, as you prosecute and try,
Your convincing is evincing such a self-deceptive high,
Your evasion becomes persuasion: You believe your own lie!
But that doesn’t change the truth — Blame yourself!

If you blame others less, and blame yourself more,
It may rub against the grain, and feel an awful chore,
But by doing you’re subduing pride and opening a door!
For future hope and peace — So blame yourself!

A gentle word assuages wrath, and less fire kills the flame.
Speak to your brother privately, or he may put you to shame.
Don’t accuse him before others, lest your tempted to defame.
And while we’re on the subject — Blame yourself!

When life is looking mighty grave, and your heart hungers for health,
Take a queue from the Word, quickly take the Bible off the shelf.
Stop and ask the living God to help you learn to die to self.
Be a truly humble man and blame yourself!


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